
先日、ネパールの孤児院、Rainbow Children Home の代表、Gomaさんから、再度マイクロファイナンスシステム設立のプランを含む、開発プロジェクト案のメールが来ました。


非常に公共性の高い活動をしているNGO、NPOは非常に多いです(今、国境なき医師団、Médecins Sans Frontières www.msf.or.jp/ や、スーダンの医療支援NGO ロシナンテス http://www.rocinantes.org/などの医療NGOを支援しています )が、その大多が寄付での資金調達だと聞きました。寄付では、持続可能性(=永続性)を培えない、資源の最適活用ができない、エンパワーメントができない、などの限界があると。これらを克服する為に、社会起業への転身が不可欠だと聞きます。ですが、この社会起業への転身にあたり、資金不足で進めないNGO,NPOが多いと思われます。

この問題を克服するために、いまの社会で究極的に必要なのは、「社会起業家の父」たるビル・ドレイトン Bill Drayton が設立した、アショカ財団(http://www.ashoka.org/)のような、ソーシャルベンチャー、ソーシャルビジネス支援ファンドですね。






When there was a pendamic Diarrhea spread in that place. More than 200 peole have been death by this pendamic diarrhea. Now the pendamic is controlled. But may chidren being orphaned and many helpless. From the same place one of the boy is brought from the same place. Now he is with us.
Today We brought another girl, whose condition is very very critical. She is being orphaned, and we got information and we went there to bring her. Now she is also with us. All togher we have 26 children in our home.
According to you mail. We have many further plans, one of the plan in to establish a Restaurant and the other one is to establish a microfinance. Further more, we have one plan for establish a school (from one class to 5 five class) for the first time, after then we will adding one more class every year. Now our children are small so we can not open a restaurent and so, we have two option to open a school or establish a micro finance.
I prefer opening a scholl. right now we have investing a lots of money for our children school fees, If we have our own school, our money will be saved as well as we can earm more money by teaching outsiders children.
We can easily establish one school. We can hire a house and we can establish a school first, when we will be abel then we can buy a land and build our own school later.
Or, we can establish a micro finance and start producing handicrafts and etc. We can give loan to the community people and earn money by interest also. I thinks this idea is also nice. First of all we need some fund to eastabish a micro finance system then we can run is easily. We can give loan to the people and earn 15% by interest. And we can use our interest for producing handicraft. We can get a market for our production, we can market by saying that this money goest directly go the opranage (RCH) . We will sell those production to the tourist market, which is very close to us. In this work our children also help us by showing production to the volunteers and visitors at home also.


☆ネパールの新聞、ヒマラヤンタイムズ himalayantimesのURLを載せておきます。
